Community Events and Plant Sales

August 3 – FREE Meadow tour at Izaak Walton League

When: Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 9:00am

Where: Izaak Walton League of America Meadow

707 Conservation Ln, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Please RSVP HERE for your household to help us plan for the number of attendees. We’ll send you more details ahead of the event, as well as announcements about weather delays or any other changes in plans.

Would you like to know how to transition larger areas of turf to a gorgeous low-maintenance meadow? This is a FREE event courtesy of the Muddy Branch Alliance Lands Green Waters Clean program.

Our meadow managers will be there to walk you through the process of creating a meadow, what we did, what is working well and what we need to do to keep it looking beautiful. This walk and talk is perfect for HOA Green Teams, grounds managers and anyone who wants to add meadow to their property. You will be able to see what a maturing meadow looks like and ask our sustainable landscaping professional questions. We can discuss funding opportunities, native plant identification, why native plants help pollinators, how native plants help manage stormwater, weed identification, weed management strategies, and much more!

Montgomery County Parks’ Native Plant Sales

Visit to learn about upcoming plant sales sponsored by Montgomery County Parks. Advanced online sales and in-person shopping are available.