Wild One Events – Chapter and National


Plant and Seed Swap - Members Only Members Only

This event has ended
Saturday, May 11th, 2024
to (Eastern Time)
Location shared on the Member's Only page and via the Listserve

Members Only Seed/Plant Swap Public Restroom Free Public Parking

Our Spring native plant swap is a great way to expand your pollinator plantings or to start new ones!  Don’t yet have extra plants to swap?  Come and enjoy the camaraderie anyway. There are always enough plants for all to go around.  We will have a potluck lunch immediately following so bring something to share and get to know other members.  

This is a members-only event but it's not too late to join.  Go to https://join.wildones.org.

Preparations you should start now:

·      Begin to identify native (straight species) plants to share.  Organically grown vegetable herb seedlings are also welcome.

·      Wash out your old pots ready to use.

·      Locate blank (waterproof) labels and appropriate marking pen. It is ok to reuse old labels or repurpose other suitable material for this.  Be creative!

1-2 weeks before plant swap:

·      Pot up your plants to allow them time to recover from the shock of being dug up and transplanted

·      Create labels for each plant species you are bringing.  It is helpful to label each pot. Please include:

o   Botanical* (latin) name (preferred!) and (optionally) a common name.

o   Designation “LE” if the plant is also a local ecotype.

o   Nativar name if any**

o   Information regarding plant’s requirements for sun, moisture and soil type. Some members bring an information sheet with key information printed from a reputable source online and/or include a QR code that can be scanned to provide the url where the information can be found.

*Most botanical names can be discovered by a quick search on the internet. If unsure, bring your plant(s) labeled with the common name and ask for help when you check in.

See the member listserve for more details and updates.

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